CLS Law, PLLC, is an emerging personal injury law firm in Scottsdale, Arizona. Since opening our doors, we have helped thousands of men and women with personal injuries fight for compensation so they can move on productively after a devastating accident. Many of our clients are struggling with the most consequential injuries a person could suffer, including brain injuries. They need financial help to pay their bills and gain peace of mind.

Are you interested in finding out whether you can sue? Please call us today. In a free consultation, a Scottsdale brain injury lawyer can review what you know about the accident and answer questions.

Did You Suffer a Brain Injury?

Brain injuries are complicated to diagnose. Few people have any external, visible signs of injury. Instead, they feel common symptoms, such as unsteadiness on their feet, headaches, or memory loss.

Go to the hospital after any type of accident. A doctor can ask questions and check your reflexes. Your medical team might also order imaging tests for an up-close look at your brain.

Some of the most common brain injuries include:

  • Concussions. This is a relatively mild traumatic brain injury caused by a sudden jolt or blow. Many people experience dizziness, impaired memory, loss of coordination or balance, and sleep disruption. Concussions can heal on their own with sufficient rest, but they are still disruptive.
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). These are more serious brain injuries, often resulting in extended loss of consciousness and more pronounced impairments. Those who suffer a moderate TBI could remain with disabilities for years after. A severe TBI could put someone in a coma.
  • Penetrating brain injuries. Something could crack the skull and possibly damage the brain tissue directly. Getting hit in the head with a bullet or ax are examples. This type of “open” brain injury is serious. A person often needs immediate surgery.
  • Hemorrhaging. Any bleeding inside the brain or between the brain and the skull is dangerous. Pooling blood will cut off circulation to the brain, resulting in death. A staggering “thunderclap” headache is a sign you are suffering from hemorrhaging, so get to the hospital ASAP.
  • Anoxic brain injuries. The brain needs oxygen delivered by blood. When either blood or oxygen is cut off, a person can suffer anoxic injuries, which are typically permanent.

How Our Clients Suffer Brain Injuries

Our clients are hurt in many types of accidents:

  • Falls. People can fall when they slip on liquid or ice, or else trip on something, like boxes on the floor. Someone who falls backward cannot brace themselves and could crack their head on the floor or ground.
  • Motor vehicle collisions. TBIs are common in any type of motor vehicle wreck.
  • Sporting accidents. Contact sports like football lead to many brain injuries, but so does soccer. Even non-contact sports can result in brain injuries when officials fail to enforce the rules.
  • Electrocution. A person can suffer a brain injury when electrocuted. Many electrocution accidents happen at work, especially at construction job sites.
  • Assaults. A violent attack can cause someone to lose their balance or cause a direct brain injury when a person is punched.

Regardless of how you were injured, call CLS Law to schedule a free consultation. We want to hear more about your prognosis and how you were hurt.

Can CLS Law Help Your Case?

Brain injuries make it virtually impossible to handle your own personal injury case. It’s common to experience intense headaches, blurred vision, and memory loss. Brain injuries add stress to the entire family.

Let us help. Our founder started the firm with one goal in mind: to help Scottsdale residents access the justice system and seek financial compensation after an accident. Our firm has obtained countless settlements because we know how to win these cases.

We know personal injury law, including how to prove fault. If you suffered a brain injury in a car wreck, we’ll find evidence to show the other driver is to blame for your collision or rollover. Our evidence will typically include witness statements and possibly video of the incident.

We excel at increasing the pot of money available. For example, we might add more defendants. If you were attacked in a parking lot or bar, we would sue the property owner for failure to provide adequate security.  If a drunk driver hits you, we might sue the bar that served them.

At no cost to you, we will analyze your case and provide tips on how to strengthen your legal claim. Our firm never charges upfront legal fees.

Your Settlement Should Reflect the Value of Your Injuries

Many people are curious about how much they can receive in a settlement Some factors include:

  • Total cost of medical care. Brain injuries often need surgery or admission to the hospital. You will also need ongoing rehabilitation, such as physical therapy or behavioral therapy. These are some of the most expensive injuries you can suffer.
  • Whether you can work. Some people are forced to take months off from work. You should request lost compensation.
  • The severity of your injury. Many brain injuries are disruptive. You might be unable to leave the house or socialize. Brain injuries can disrupt sleep schedules and lead to irritability. You can receive money for pain and suffering.
  • The defendant’s resources. We usually make a claim on the defendant’s insurance. But they might be uninsured or have no other resources, which limits what we can request.

Your comparative negligence. Arizona is a comparative negligence state (see Arizona Revised Statutes § 12-2505). Your negligence won’t prevent financial recovery, but it is compared to the defendant’s, and your settlement is reduced proportionally. Someone who is 75% to blame will get only 25% of their damages, at most.

Mistakes to Avoid After an Accident

In the days following an accident, you probably don’t feel like yourself. However, please avoid making certain mistakes:

  • Do not talk to an insurance adjuster about the accident without first meeting with a lawyer. The adjuster might be searching for evidence to show that you are partially at fault. There’s no reason to speak with them if you don’t feel 100% yourself.
  • Don’t quickly grab the first settlement offer. We realize money is tight. But the first offer is always too low. We can objectively review how much you can request for a settlement.
  • Don’t ignore dramatic symptoms. Some brain injuries are deadly, and you should definitely head to the emergency room soon after the accident. Stay in touch with your doctor, too, and follow any treatment plan.
  • Avoid minimizing your pain. The road back is grueling for many. Someone with a moderate brain injury could need years of physical therapy, speech therapy, and occupational therapy. Listen to your body and take things slowly at first.

Our law firm knows how insurance companies operate. We realize they have one goal: pay you as little as possible. We rely on our experience to negotiate effectively with even the most hostile insurer. We have the knowledge and resources brain injury victims need to obtain meaningful compensation following an accident. Reach out to us today.

Our Team Fights for Scottsdale Injury Victims!

Did you suffer a brain injury? Are you afraid you won’t have the financial resources to take care of yourself? Contact CLS Law at (855) 257-9467 to speak with a Scottsdale brain injury attorney at our firm without any cost to you. We have won many cases for our clients, and we might be able to help. In your consultation, we’ll discuss your accident and provide a summary of your legal rights.