Truck accidents send hundreds of people across Arizona to the hospital each year, and these truck crashes happen right here in Gilbert, AZ, too. At our firm, we are dedicated to winning truck accident cases on behalf of injured accident victims. Your journey begins as soon as you are hurt in a wreck with a commercial truck. Please call our firm to speak with a Gilbert truck accident lawyer.

Truck accidents often result in serious injuries due to the sheer size and weight of large trucks compared to other vehicles on the road. Our truck accident attorneys understand the complexities of these cases, including federal regulations that govern trucking operations and the various negligent parties that may be involved, from truck drivers to trucking companies.

Based on the facts of your truck accident case, you might have the right to sue for compensation. This may include coverage for medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage. Don’t let this opportunity slip away. Our law firm can gather evidence, navigate the legal process, and negotiate with insurance carriers on your behalf if you call and schedule a free consultation.

If you’ve been involved in a trucking accident in Gilbert, AZ, or anywhere in Arizona, it’s crucial to seek legal help promptly. Our experienced truck accident lawyers are prepared to investigate your case, identify all potential negligent parties, and fight for the full compensation you deserve.

Is a Truck Accident Lawyer Necessary?

Hiring a professional legal advocate is one of the best choices you can make after a truck accident. The months following a truck wreck are usually a blur. Many victims can’t even begin to think about a legal case for a year or more. Their injuries are that serious.

Our Gilbert truck accident attorney can:

  • Open an investigation into what happened. The evidence we uncover is critical for obtaining compensation in a settlement or lawsuit. We might talk with witnesses and inspect the vehicles, including the large truck. We also have a network of expert witnesses we can lean on to help with accident reconstruction.
  • Document your injuries and financial losses. How much compensation you can receive is directly tied to the severity of your injuries, as well as your out-of-pocket expenses.
  • Communicate on your behalf with insurance adjusters and other parties. Let us take the annoying phone calls and fill out paperwork. You should not be bothered at home.
  • Negotiate with the other side. Once we know who is to blame, whether it’s the truck driver, the trucking company, or another party, we can demand equitable compensation for your injuries. Most people have no idea how much to request in a settlement, but our legal team does.
  • Protect your rights any way we can. We might even file a lawsuit to provide added protection during settlement negotiations in case talks break down.

Our top lawyer understands that truck collisions happen for various reasons, including driver fatigue, improper loading of tractor trailers, or when the other driver loses control. Whether you’ve been involved in a car accident with a large truck or a family member has suffered a wrongful death in an Arizona truck accident, we’re here to help. Our accident attorney will thoroughly investigate your truck accident case, ensuring all responsible parties are held to their legal duty. We’ll guide you through every step of the legal action process, from dealing with the insurance company to representing you in court if necessary.

Trucking Companies Are Not Your Friends

You might expect a trucking company to show sympathy and extend a generous settlement when it’s obvious their driver is to blame. Sadly, that’s not how they operate.

Instead, trucking companies hire big insurers and law firms to defend them. They deny liability and might even accuse you of tailgating a truck or cutting them off. These companies would rather pay millions of dollars to law firms than simply write a check for someone struggling with painful injuries.

At CLS Law, we’ve had success countering these tactics. We can minimize your fault while amplifying the trucking company’s blame. Our detailed approach relies heavily on being better organized than the competition and knowing an accident in greater detail than they do.

Let’s get started soon. These companies send investigators to the scene of an accident to collect evidence and talk with witnesses. Don’t fall behind. Hire your own law firm who can go into the field and find useful evidence for you.

Possible Defendants in Your Trucking Case

We can submit a claim against anyone who has some liability for your crash. The most common defendants include:

  • Truckers who drove dangerously or without sufficient care.
  • Trucking companies who employ negligent truckers or who fail to supervise or hire properly.
  • Manufacturers of defective parts, like tires whose tread separates, causing a truck to crash.
  • Government entities for designing a road or work zone improperly, which leads to a collision.
  • Any other person responsible for the accident.

The presence of so many possible defendants makes truck accidents more complex and confusing than regular car wrecks. We can sift through all the evidence to identify the correct defendant(s).

How Trucking Regulations Impact a Case

The trucking industry operates in a web of regulations. Both Arizona and the federal government have detailed requirements. These regulations might impact your case, so it’s best to hire a lawyer experienced in this industry. Our Gilbert truck accident attorneys follow the industry closely and stay on top of new regulations adopted by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the main federal regulator.

Some regulations that come into play for your case involve:

  • Mandatory rest breaks during the day and week;
  • Prohibitions on hand-held cell phones;
  • Maintenance and inspection procedures;
  • Physical exam requirements for truckers;
  • Licensing requirements;
  • Drug and alcohol restrictions;
  • Mandatory drug testing following a crash;
  • Logbook and record-keeping requirements.

We also understand the trucks involved in crashes, whether a semi-truck, box truck or moving van. We will coordinate with experts to inspect the vehicles involved and request any data downloaded by the black box. This evidence can play a vital role in any truck accident negotiations.

Truck Accident Settlements

CLS Law aims to win. Our firm prepares our cases thoroughly, which includes analyzing all your economic and non-economic damages. Then we make a fair settlement request of all defendants, and we work overtime to increase what the other side is willing to pay.

Your economic damages are things like:

  • Lost income or wages if you can’t work after the truck accident
  • Medical bills for any treatment for your injuries
  • Damage to your vehicle or other property
  • Rental car expenses and any other out-of-pocket expenses

Non-economic damages are also included in a settlement. They include:

  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of consortium
  • Disfiguring scars or amputation
  • Bodily pain
  • Mental anguish

These damages are “non-economic” because there isn’t an obvious market value. How much will fairly compensate you for feeling chronic pain in your hip after shattering the bone? How much is fair compensation for sleepless nights? Let us use our experience to negotiate a meaningful settlement for all losses.

We might also seek punitive damages in some cases, especially where a trucking company or driver made an egregious mistake. A trucker might have been high on cocaine when they ran a red light, and punitive damages can punish them. They aren’t available in every case, but we seek them when the facts warrant.

Your Share of Fault: Can You Still Receive Compensation?

There’s no way around it: some of our clients were careless themselves. They might have passed a truck illegally or been tailgating. Others were talking on a cell phone and failed to pay attention as they drove, which led to an accident.

In Arizona, a victim’s negligence can make them partially to blame for an accident. For example, you might be 50% to blame for texting and driving, but the trucker is also 50% to blame for making an illegal lane change.

Any fault chargeable to a victim reduces their settlement by a similar percentage. Consequently, if your case is worth $70,000 but you are 50% at fault, you’ll receive only $35,000. That’s how comparative negligence works.

Let us gather evidence and see if you really are partly to blame. Many trucking companies like to throw around accusations of comparative fault. We always double-check the facts to see if these allegations have any merit. We can also play up the other side’s negligence to reduce your own.

We Work for You—Call Our Truck Accident Lawyer in Gilbert

At CLS Law, PLLC, we believe accident victims and their families deserve a talented legal advocate following a wreck, regardless of their ability to pay. Most collisions cause severe injuries, including fractures and brain injuries.

Don’t let a truck accident derail your life. If you’ve been involved in a truck collision or truck wreck in Gilbert, Arizona, or the surrounding areas, CLS Law is here to help. Contact CLS Law, your trusted Gilbert, AZ truck accident lawyer, today at (855) 257-9467 for a free consultation. Let us handle the legal challenges while you focus on recovery.